Monday 27 April 2015

‘Golden joinery’

A bowl repaired through the Japanese art of Kintsugi. Using this method, a broken vessel can become even more precious than before it was fractured.

In my last post over a year ago, I talked of the ‘creasing, tearing, or denting’ our sketchbooks might endure on their journeys. I couldn’t have foreseen then what a rough ride some of my exchange friends, including me, were going to experience!
My life in Scotland has been completely dismantled over the past year and now I am starting afresh in the south of England. I even had to leave behind my beloved German Shorthaired Pointer, Ramsay.

Ramsay’s contribution to my sketchbook.

I am fortunate, though; I still have reserves of gold in my life to repair the damage. It’s time to take out the pencils and brushes again. I think I also have a little gold-leaf hidden away somewhere...